Water System
It should go without saying that Sun Cove is responsible for providing you with clean, safe, palatable water at all times, as well as responsible for maintaining our transmission and distribution systems to ensure this standard. Sun Cove is also responsible for providing you with a standard minimum of 30 pounds per square inch water pressure at your water meter. In the interest of conservation and preventing leak loss, the Water Manager may shut off water at the meter, at his own discretion, if he discovers a leak.
To keep the water clean and safe, Sun Cove uses chlorine. It is the only chemical Sun Cove uses. The chlorination of the water is routinely monitored and kept at the lowest possible useful level.
To verify the cleanliness and safety of the water, Sun Cove complies with all Washington Department of Health regulations. Many of these include routine testing of water, which is summarized for owners yearly in the Sun Cove Water Quality Report.
It is important for our Members to understand that Sun Cove’s responsibility as a Water Purveyor ends on the customer’s side of the water meter. Please understand that any problems after the meter are the Member’s responsibility both physically and monetarily. However, the Water Manager is happy to disconnect and reconnect a Member’s service connection upon request.
If you never hooked up to Sun Cove's water system and wish to do so, you must notify the office staff, so that the required paperwork can be done, and pay the $800 connection fee, Then, a water meter will be installed in the water vault outside your home. You must keep this vault clear and accessible.
It is important that Maintenance staff have constant access to the vaults, as it can never be known when a problem within the vault can occur. So, please remember to keep your vaults clear of all obstructions like landscaping, foliage, dirt, and parked vehicles.
If you look in your vault, you may see a yellow locking plug device. This is a US customs shipping plug that is used to lock any water connections that either do not have a meter installed, or that have required a mandatory water shut off. Please do not remove these locking plugs.