Sun Cove Pool
Pool Season
Staff aims to have the pool open mid-May and to keep the pool open until mid-October, but it ultimately depends on the weather.
Daily Schedule
Lap Swim
8 AM - 9 AM daily
Regular Swim
9 AM - 10 PM daily

Sun Cove Pool Rules
Appropriate swim attire only.
Pool toy use is based on the discretion of Association staff. Pool toys only. No large pool toys, or items from the river.
No pets allowed.
No smoking.
No glass containers on the lower pool deck.
Parents are responsible for their children
Children 5 and under must always be accompanied by an adult (18+) in the pool.
Washington State Pool Rules
Shower before entering the pool.
No food or drink within 4' of the pool.
No running or rough play.
Swim "diaper" or protective covering required.
Children 12 and under must be with an adult (18+).
Do not use the pool under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Live Pool Camera
If the feed below isn't rendering you can check the view on Nest. If neither is live, notify